Hôtel Bagatelle - Le Pavillon Bleu

25, Allée Antoine Pinay 84000 Avignon
25, Allée Antoine Pinay 84000 Avignon
- 8 rooms with shower and WC (sleeps 2 to 4).
- 2 double/twin rooms with shower (WC in hallway).
You'll appreciate the campsite's waterside location, under century-old plane trees, a 10-minute walk from the town center.
You'll find the campsite grocery store on site, and breakfast at the bar shared with the campsite and youth hostel.
The garden-side Pizzeria Bagatelle restaurant welcomes you for a moment of relaxation and sharing, on its tree-lined terrace and in its dining rooms.
You can enjoy our traditional, friendly, home-cooked cuisine.
- traditional formulas
- vegetarian and gluten-free formulas.
- Brunches and buffets
This establishment is Accueil Vélo and offers specific services for cyclists.

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