La d'Annecy avec Vélorizons

Lake Annecy and ViaRhôna

From 595€
Holidays (5-8 days)
I cycle often

D'Annecy à Lyon, une belle découverte des pré-Alpes à vélo sur un itinéraire de la ViaRhôna "made in Vélorizons"

"So much water! We first discover Lake Annecy, considered one of the most beautiful lakes in France and one of the cleanest in the world (yes, really!), a true turquoise gem set amidst mountainous surroundings. In just one day of cycling, we circle its shores, savoring the beauty of the surrounding peaks. Like an umbilical cord connecting Lake Annecy and the Rhône, the mighty, proud torrent then guides us westward, towards the great river. But here, the Rhône, though swollen after passing through Lake Geneva, is still just a big river! It takes us under its wing, meandering us through the small pre-Alpine massifs it plays with, offering us a lovely detour to medieval Pérouges, at the gates of the marshy plain of the Dombes, until it finally brings us to our destination: the capital of the Gauls, which we enter in a very unique way. Welcome to Lyon!"

  • 7 days

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